Fees & payments
title | Location 1 | Location 2 | Fees |
1. Introduction | |||
Students Subscription Fee | Delhi | Outside Delhi | FREE |
Tutors Registration Fee | Delhi | Outside Delhi | FREE |
Tutors Verification Fee | Delhi | Outside Delhi | Rs.500/- |
Show Case Teacher Yearly Subscription Fee | Delhi | Outside Delhi | 1000/- |
Show Case Teacher 3 Yearly Subscription Fee | Delhi | Outside Delhi | 2500/- |
Feature Teacher Yearly Subscription Fee | Delhi | Outside Delhi | 1500/- |
Feature Teacher 3 Yearly Subscription Fee | Delhi | Outside Delhi | 4000/- |

Payment by Internet Banking or Direct payment in Accounts
- ICICI Bank
A/C Name:- Aayush Rana Educational Solutions Private Limited - Branch: D-16, Prashant Vihar, New Delhi, 110085
Account no. - 082705000572
Account Type: Current Account
PAYTM wallet linked with mobile numbers
Mobile numbers for PAYTM : 8368567379(Please double check the numbers before transacting otherwise we will not be responsible for any wrong transaction)
Annual Franchise Subscription Fee - Rs 25000
Offline Payment by Demand Draft
Please make the D.D. in favour of "Aayush Rana Educational Solutions Pvt. Ltd." payable at "DELHI" and post it to the following address:
- Aayush Rana Educational Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
- C-148, Prashant Vihar
Sector -14, Rohini, Delhi-110085